Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Coming into Color

User-added image            This is from a photoshop how to website, but I thought it worked for the black white and color theme I had going on. This is an interesting piece because the girl is coming into color, its like leaving innocence when your world isnt as great and big anymore but you have to go to school and college, and get a boring job. Even the representation of the flowers in her hair can she her youth and loosing her youth. 
The use of color in a composition can be very direct and focused on pulling an audience's eye exactly where you want them to focus. (316) 

Red all over and white and Red all over; also talking about schindlers list and the use of black and white and color, this photo taken in England shows the same idea as the film. Your eye focuses on the buses because that is where the photographer wants your focus to be. Why? Why buses when you have a beautiful building in the background? This is how you draw your audience in and make them focus on the items you want.
The photographer is unknown

Black and White

Freaking Schindler's list; this movie was so great and so terrible. The book talks about the composition and use of the black and white. The black and white to show the blending of the period, how things seemed dismal and little to no hope in people. However, the director uses the contrast to show to light and dark of the situation; how compassion and cruelty lives in the same place. As well as the girl in the red coat, which is innocence blood being shed. The eye focuses on the girl and remembers the color to link later on in the movie when the coat is on a corpse.   

Sky and Ground: Nick Marci

This is from an amateur artist named Nick Marci; I saw him on pintrist and was interested in some of his work. I love the space and sky in this piece; it blends together to make it seem endless and like you are outside of your own time frame. Although this isnt my favorite piece ever, I do like the matchings of the sky and ground. I could do without the heads though. 

Time and space
Nick Marci
Fantasy art

Aspects of time

So this was in the reading (292) a while ago but I wanted to check out the video myself for the full affect. I dont know if its made to look like WWII concentration camp style or drones in a way, but it creeped me out. How they are walking in unison without a mind.
Its hard to think of the rhetoric in this video; how the world is like lemmings and will follow blindly until someone bold can come in a smash peoples perspectives to free them from themselves. But thats exactly what this is right? The lady athlete comes in and breaks away from the crowd in order to save others; then its a commercial for how to be different when you purchase a mac (ironically as I type on a macbook 20 years later).
When you look at art, though, you are looking at rhetoric. The way it makes you think and why it was reacted that way. With the time, its looks like its suppose to be future like and how the present can pull you back.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Josh Wool: True Self

Josh Wool, originally from the South but currently works out of Brooklyn, NYC, is an up and coming documentary photographer. His work has been featured in medias such as Visual Supply Co, Rolling Stone Magazine, GQ, Food & Wine Magazine, Billy Reid, Newport Folk Festival, JC Penny, JJ Hat Center + Pork Pie Hatters, Grey Ant Sunglasses, The Daily Beast, Juxtapoz Magazine, Huge Magazine - Japan, FutureClaw Magazine, Refueled Magazine, Gotham Magazine, and Tourist Zine. 
His work is honest without manipulating the scene; he captures the subjects essence rather than relying on just the subject itself. 

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Erika Larsen: The Native

Erika Larsen

Larsen specializes in Native American; her photography reflects the natural elements the Native Americans are still attached too. One of her main focuses are on Native Americans that are connected with the horses; the interesting connection between the modern day tack and native American traditional wear connects to the culture of the Native American traditions living in a modern day society and the mix, border thinking.