Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Aspects of time

So this was in the reading (292) a while ago but I wanted to check out the video myself for the full affect. I dont know if its made to look like WWII concentration camp style or drones in a way, but it creeped me out. How they are walking in unison without a mind.
Its hard to think of the rhetoric in this video; how the world is like lemmings and will follow blindly until someone bold can come in a smash peoples perspectives to free them from themselves. But thats exactly what this is right? The lady athlete comes in and breaks away from the crowd in order to save others; then its a commercial for how to be different when you purchase a mac (ironically as I type on a macbook 20 years later).
When you look at art, though, you are looking at rhetoric. The way it makes you think and why it was reacted that way. With the time, its looks like its suppose to be future like and how the present can pull you back.

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