Thursday, September 25, 2014


So idea for the photomontage is to have a core picture and build on top of it using different photos from different times; either seconds or years. I like the idea of this cause it allows for you to explore not a linear sense of time, but time according to the creator. You see, we love time to stay in a straight line and go from left to right; otherwise we get all mixed up. However, in the mix up is where someone can take you outside from a linear line and go somewhere more open; freeing.

This was my interpenetration of the photomontage; its of Central America's largest lake, Cocibolca and the volcanoes, Ometepe and Madera that sit across the lake. I visited this exact spot for over three years, which is where the photo collection comes from. All the photos were captured in the early morning so I wanted to color palette to stay soft and dream like; sort a like waking up and still being groggy.

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